captcha bootstrap 5


Creating a CAPTCHA with Bootstrap 5 is a great way to enhance the security of your website or web application by preventing bots and automated scripts from accessing certain functionalities. Below, I'll provide you with an example of how to implement a simple text-based CAPTCHA using Bootstrap 5 and some JavaScript.

First, make sure you have Bootstrap 5 and jQuery included in your project. You can include them via CDN links or by downloading the necessary files and referencing them in your HTML file.

Here's the content for a basic CAPTCHA using Bootstrap 5:


Bootstrap 5 CAPTCHA Example

Human Verification

Please verify that you are a human by solving this CAPTCHA:



In this example, we have a simple CAPTCHA with six characters, consisting of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and digits. The user has to enter the text displayed in the CAPTCHA image into the input field and click the "Verify" button. If the entered text matches the CAPTCHA text, a success message will be shown, and you can perform any further action as needed. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed, and the user can try again.

Please note that this example is relatively basic, and for higher security requirements, you might want to explore more advanced CAPTCHA techniques. Additionally, always keep in mind that CAPTCHAs should be accessible and user-friendly, ensuring that legitimate users can complete the verification easily.